Maléa's Search for the Goblin - Wolf Foto Chitin
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Maléa’s Search for the Goblin

Maléa’s Search for the Goblin

Englisch sprechende Kinder und Eltern aufgepasst ?

Kindle eBook: 5 Tage gratis als Zeichen meiner Freude.

Nachdem „Maléa sucht den Kobold“ viele deutsch, französische und schwiizerdütsch sprechende Kinder begeistert hat – werden die Buchseiten nun endlich auch für englische sprechende Kinder vollends packend und spannend.

A duckling hatches Buy Cifran Cipro online , flaps its wings and leaves the nest.

The little chick Maléa hears countless fairy tales from her mother. 

Maléa is fascinated by the stories and creatures in them. She decides to set out in search of these creatures in order to make friends with them. One in particular has captured her heart: the goblin with eyes as big as saucers. The goblin lives on a fabulous island and she really wants to be his friend. 

Maléa meets many animals. Unfortunately, not all of them treat her kindly. But she learns to overcome disappointment. Her joyful nature keeps her going even when the other animals are quite nasty to her. 

When she finally arrives at the wonderful tree on the top of a mountain, the little chick’s fantasy begins to mix with reality. 

Raphaël Wolf is a Swiss magician and photographer. He teaches communication in Zurich and loves to tell stories.

The centre of his world is his daughter Maléa.

Childhood fantasy is the source of life’s enchantment.
Happy is he who can keep it into old age. 

Raphaël Wolf

Kindle eBook

ASIN: 1708353038

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error: Wanna buy it !!